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Fabulous Food

We eat less healthy than we think [infographic]

Uhhh, duh. I saw this pretty cool infographic and like it so much I thought I’d share it here. I gotta say, it’s filled with some pretty obvious points about perception. Primarily the fact that, when we eat foods that we know are ‘bad’ for us, we have a tendency to minimize the damage we’re doing to ourselves so that we don’t have to face the food-guilt that creeps up on us after a ‘bad food’ binging session.

Source: We eat less healthy than we think [infographic].

About digitaldivablog

This is the full story of my Slimband journey from the fatness to the fitness and everything in between! I had Lap-band surgery at the Slimband Clinic in Toronto with Dr. Yau in April 2010 and boy has it been an adventure! This is where I tell the tale.


2 thoughts on “We eat less healthy than we think [infographic]

  1. yep! I know I do. I can convince myself that a caeser salad is healthy if i want it bad enough and if it’s sitting next to something twice as bad. Our tummies can justify ANYTHING unfortunately.

    Posted by Airlie | June 10, 2012, 07:14

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